To our friends and partners,
Like all clinics and dental labs across the nation, IDL has been navigating the uncharted COVID-19 waters for several days now. We have found ourselves changing course sometimes hour by hour. Today we feel confident in announcing our decision on how we can best move forward as we consider the health and safety of our employees, clinical partners, your patients and our community as a whole.
In an effort to help control the spread of the COVID-19 virus and in consideration of RCDSO, ADTO, DAO and Health Canada recommendations, we have elected to close our laboratory effective Friday March 20, 2020. Should you need them, several key members of our team will be available by cell phone, text and email until we revisit this decision prior to a planned return to business on April the 6th.
Kevin Wauchope 705-717-6306
Kerrie McGowan 705-795-5773
Crystal McFadden 705-718-5590
This was an immensely difficult decision as we considered the wellbeing of your patients together with the welfare of our team and our community. Please know that we will be available for your emergencies should the need arise. Upon receipt of your call we will work through the logistics of this together.
Stay healthy, stay positive and we will weather this storm together. Best regards,
Ali Khonsari